Monday, 28 August 2017

Customer Identity Management Best Practises!

We live in an era of technology where the data can determine the direction of your business or your startup who wants to dig deep into customer behavior insights. Many big cloud based identity management solutions have already been established in order to better analyze and measure the behavior...

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Is BYOI the new authentication norm?

You must have heard about the concept of BYOD (Bring your own identity), an idea of getting your own stuff works properly in some dedicated situations. And now comes the next iteration of this movement that is Bring your Own Identity (BYOI). The phenomenal concept of BYOI is already bigger...

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Friday, 7 July 2017

What is UI testing and Why it is important?

User interface (UI) testing is to ensure a positive user experience from an application which means testing your software application to see how it is interacting with users. As a conclusion of UI testing we get valid responses for the following: Usability Consistency Accessibility Compatibility In...

Thursday, 22 June 2017

How to promote your blog like a Professional blogger

Promotion is one of the key to become successful in any field. Every blogger wants to become successful and has its name in top influencers in it niche. For that they make efforts in their content, make it attractive and readable so that visitors can appreciate. Along with great blogging efforts,...

Monday, 5 June 2017

3 Clever Examples of best sign up forms!

Your website is the first place that establishes the first interaction between your business and your web visitors. Hence it becomes innately essential to ensure ample of opportunities to ask for their information at the first place for future means of communication. Sign up forms can be a really good medium to attain some basic information like their name and email addresses of these visitors....

Five Types of Multi-factor Authentication Solutions you would like to use

2016 witnessed huge data breach incidents that caused leakage of over 2.2 billion records. Here using a password-based authentication along with a good hashing algorithm used to ensure security but can you guarantee that your users are not using easy-to-guess passwords? Well, the statistics imply...