Tuesday 2 August 2016

Digital and Social Media Marketing for an Internet Business’ Success

We can no longer deny it; the world is shifting rapidly from analogue to digital. More and more digital content is being consumed by people on a daily basis- on laptops, mobile phones, desktop computers at the office, tablets and more. This means that internet businesses that haven’t recognized the importance of digital marketing in their strategies need to adapt quickly before they lose everything. Why is digital market crucial? Not only is digital marketing a rapidly growing force in the current world, but it also the future of the marketing industry and it is highly likely that digital media will end up replacing the traditional forms altogether.
No doubt, older generations will lament the demise of paper-based books, newspapers, traditional TV and radio broadcasts and communication methods, but those who have grown up with mobile phones and internet as a God-given right have already embraced and accepted the world of digital consumption. It is quite unsurprising that we moved into the digital age so rapidly because the fact is that digital methods of marketing and communication are practical, faster, streamlined and more versatile. The best part is that digital marketing offers just as much potential to marketers as it does to the customers.

Some of the key forms of digital marketing that we can see at present include:
  • Blogs
  • Online video content
  • Websites and SEO content
  • Social media marketing (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Internet banner ads
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Mobile marketing (MMS, SMS)

This is just a comprehensive list as new forms of digital marketing continue springing up from time to time. But, the question remains. Why digital marketing?
First and foremost, digital marketing is considerably more affordable for an internet business with limited capital as opposed to traditional offline marketing strategies. For instance, a social media or email campaign can be used for promoting a marketing message to consumers for a small fraction of the cost of a print or TV ad campaign and reach a greater audience at the same time. This increases the potential of success for a new or growing internet business.
One of the notable benefits of doing your marketing digitally is the ease with which results can be monitored and tracked. Instead of conducting expensive and time consuming market and customer research, an internet business can quickly gain access to customer response rates and measure the effectiveness and success of their strategies in real-time. This can help the business in planning more effectively for their next digital marketing strategy and save valuable time and money. Building repute on search engines is an effective way of digital marketing. Adding backlinks in guest posts, listing your business on business directories, setting up a blog on your business website and sharing posts on social media, are some of the most popular ways of building visibility on search engines.
The strongest reason for incorporating digital marketing strategy for an online business is the fact that digital media forms are overtaking the traditional methods of information consumption pretty quickly. As your audience switches to a digital platform, there is absolutely no point in using other methods. Thus, the bottom line is that the digital era has arrived and an internet business cannot hope to achieve success if it doesn’t take advantage of the benefits digital marketing can provide.


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